Saturday 3 September 2011

The Dance of Life

She was nearly pushed out of the Land Rover parked just before where the streetlights demarcated the civilised from the uncivilised. It was a cold London night and she fumbled with her jacket and her handbag. A hand silhouetted out of the open window of the Rover, handed her a few queens and the Rover sped away. She looked at those notes in her hand. They were less than what was agreed, but she didn’t bother to count them. Money was about to loose its importance to her after the night. Everything would loose its importance after the night. She had decided. She was going to die. She was going to kill herself.
            Escorts, this is what the civilised world called creatures likes her. Use-and-throw is how she named her fraternity, including herself. Sofia is what she named herself after she became an escort twelve years ago. Jessica is what she was called when she was born to her pathetic parents thirty-one years ago. The thicker the book of her life grew, the quicker and easier it became for her to turn the pages around. As if life has run very very swiftly, she thought and failed to remember when was the last time when someone called her Jessy. Anyone except her. Jessy, the only word that kept her related to her pious non-existent self in her world that only comprised of men and women executing their fantasies and frustrations on her.